
My baby is growing up!! Last night was a milestone -- first night spent away from his parents. Yes, he slept somewhere else while mommy and daddy slept at home. Amazing. At only 19 months old.

Like a good little boy, Peter went to sleep only a bit after his bedtime, in his pack n'play, at a friend's house. His parents were soon engrossed in their favorite Wii Sports -- baseball and tennis. They played late into the night and decided to let Peter keep sleeping uninterrupted rather than take him home in the middle o' the night.

It was strange not having him in the house and we both thought about him a lot. Especially in the morning. When we went over to retrieve him, he was playing happily in the bathtub with his two friends, Allison and Savannah. They thought having a little brother was pretty cool and wanted him to stay another day!

It was a relief to see him having so much fun without us. It's an important realization that we aren't indispensable and although a very big part of Peter's life, we aren't the only influences that will be helping to shape him as a person. Thanks to good friends who share the load, we can be part of the 'village that raises a child'.