hybrid homeschool
First: I love my kids. They are just so goofy and awesome.
Second: I love how we're homeschooling this year. Hybrid. Two days one campus, three days at home.
Third: I love that the little guy really misses his big brother while he's away.
Fourth: I love chalkboard paint.

Have you heard other people talking about hybrid homeschooling? It can be through a charter school, private school, or public...there are probably a thousand different options...but we are working with the public school system. His Kindergarten teacher is fabulous -- she's a part-time employee and her job is solely to teach these 16 homeschooled Kindergarteners two days a week. I'm sure she does other stuff too, but what a cool option for her -- a mom of four with a teaching degree. She's cool. :)
At school, the focus is on math and science -- enrichment activities. They do art and PE in the afternoon. Their teacher is using a unit study method, with lots of literature. Their theme right now is trees.
At home, we're working down the list of the top 100 high frequency words {and, but, her, of, with...}. Peter has memorized almost 40 of them so far and this definitely helps when he is trying to read an early reader. He recognizes his sight words and feels more confident. And it helps his speed.
We do number sentences based on the date -- today is the 25th, so we'll make up addition and subtraction sentences that equal 25.
We're practicing our Spanish -- basic conversational phrases {como te llamas? and como estas?} numbers and colors.
We're reading The Jesus Storybook Bible. And we plan to work through Ann Voskamp's A Child's Geography.
And daddy gets to nerd out with the kids whenever he wants -- science experiments and radio antenna's in the backyard.
Isn't this Little Kid the cutest ever? He's been meowing a lot lately, pretending to be a kitty. Our learning time consists of building with train tracks and blocks, cutting and painting, and playing UNO {number/color recognition}. He likes to play starfall.com too.

How's your school year going? Do you love it as much as we do?
Second: I love how we're homeschooling this year. Hybrid. Two days one campus, three days at home.
Third: I love that the little guy really misses his big brother while he's away.
Fourth: I love chalkboard paint.

Have you heard other people talking about hybrid homeschooling? It can be through a charter school, private school, or public...there are probably a thousand different options...but we are working with the public school system. His Kindergarten teacher is fabulous -- she's a part-time employee and her job is solely to teach these 16 homeschooled Kindergarteners two days a week. I'm sure she does other stuff too, but what a cool option for her -- a mom of four with a teaching degree. She's cool. :)
At school, the focus is on math and science -- enrichment activities. They do art and PE in the afternoon. Their teacher is using a unit study method, with lots of literature. Their theme right now is trees.
At home, we're working down the list of the top 100 high frequency words {and, but, her, of, with...}. Peter has memorized almost 40 of them so far and this definitely helps when he is trying to read an early reader. He recognizes his sight words and feels more confident. And it helps his speed.
We do number sentences based on the date -- today is the 25th, so we'll make up addition and subtraction sentences that equal 25.
We're practicing our Spanish -- basic conversational phrases {como te llamas? and como estas?} numbers and colors.
We're reading The Jesus Storybook Bible. And we plan to work through Ann Voskamp's A Child's Geography.
And daddy gets to nerd out with the kids whenever he wants -- science experiments and radio antenna's in the backyard.
Isn't this Little Kid the cutest ever? He's been meowing a lot lately, pretending to be a kitty. Our learning time consists of building with train tracks and blocks, cutting and painting, and playing UNO {number/color recognition}. He likes to play starfall.com too.

How's your school year going? Do you love it as much as we do?