it's wintertime

Today was spent in complete and utter computer-aholism by three members of the family. Mommy trip-planning Yosemite and Utah and completing business taxes, daddy lesson planning schematics and Peter downloading files back and forth between the school room computer and his "camera" {mp4 player and more}. Ezra spent most of the day flying his remote helicopter {lego helicopter, broken remote} around the house and asking us to watch him.
Seriously, I was beginning to worry about us.
So this post is a tribute to all the times we get on our boots and hats and get out of doors, away from the screens and keyboards. Because we DO. We went over to the duck pond to break off chunks of ice and toss them across the frozen water. We played at the playground. We went to the lake and slipped around on the ice and threw big chunks of ice out onto the ice{it's winter, y'all, what else is there to do?}. We found some cute pine cones. We put our hands in our pockets.
This time of year is something. I'm don't really have words for it. Mostly cause I'm trying to pretend it's but a fleeting moment.....just a blink and things will be melting and sunny and garden-worthy. But the freezing toes and gray skies have me on the brink of listlessness at times.
So I plan our summer vacations.