Staying Home for Christmas | Weekending

We've been Legoing it up, trekking through snow, pushing through the last couple weeks of school and Christmas parties and programs, eating too many cookies, celebrating half birthdays, playing games together, and now here we are -- Christmas break. Two weeks off.
And all the people sat down in their comfy chairs with a big sigh.

I might be looking at gas prices and dreaming of traveling a We're going to rest up this holiday season. We'll catch up on things that haven't been happening, spend a lot of quality time together, and make some fun memories. Wanderlust runs thick in my veins, but I can see what my family needs and right now it's not wandering the earth. So we stay.

weekend shares ||
Eating: Fresh pineapple that was gifted us! And cookies!
Pinning: My pumpkin bread with apples and cranberries. This lasagna with kale -- I want to try it!
Enjoying: The soft skin of my boys and their sweet hugs and kisses. And the glowing Christmas tree.
Listening: Pentatonix holiday songs!! 
Planning: A bike-packing trip to somewhere warm with my honey.
Watching: Why Do We Call It Christmas? from WITB
Reading: Embarrassed to say I'm still reading Brene Brown's book, The Gifts of Imperfection. I just need to sit down and finish it.
Feeling: A bit if trepidation about the absence of a school schedule for the next two weeks. #adjustingagain