October Came and Went | Monthly Wrap

Who can slow down time? 

I need me somma that. The slow down stuff. The stuff where brothers pretend to kiss each other and conversations are rich and walks are long, without deadlines. I'm so glad we had a couple games of ultimate frisbee with friends and played at the sand dunes. Four glorious weekends in October to soak up the SUN and BLUE SKY. Can't get enough of that. October is a perfect month in so many ways.
I'm so thankful for the good days. I'm nervous about the ones that stink...scared they will take over. #skinnycowseatingfatcows #pessimism

Doctor's orders: Sleep. Eat. Take vitamins. Don't go to work too early. Don't stay at work too late. Schedule fun time. Watch TV. Walk everyday. Ride everyday. Laugh.

My very first post of 2018 outlined my desire to laugh more...not be so serious. I'm going to need a tattoo on my wrist I think. #laugh My drive for productivity is so much stronger than my sense of humor, but that's only giving me gray hairs.

Eating | Pumpkin pie and whipped cream
Watching | Survivor is fun this season
Pinning | This...if I was teaching 3rd grade?
Anticipating | 60 degree weather in Portugal 
Reading | Benjamin Pratt and the Keepers of the School by Andrew Clements
Thankful for | Kids who are becoming more helpful around the house

I'm afraid the family films have died. I don't have time to edit and I don't have much footage. :(