Hiking Day

It finally felt like SPRING today! I've been looking for the right opportunity to get the kids out for a hike. Today was it. Ezra was a champ, squealing with delight every now and then, patiently riding on Mommy's back for much longer than intended, due to Peter's slow feet. ;) We were out past his mealtime, but he was having so much fun, I think he forgot about milk.

Peter, Mr. Slow Feet himself, asked to wear this "pretend backpack" today, to be like Mommy. *smile* I wonder what people thought when they saw us. Butterfly mask on top of his head. Life jacket. Eccentric. =)

But he had so much fun -- flapping his butterfly wings, pretending to be a "four-wheel" (with very loud and never-ending motor sounds), looking for different kinds of leaves, throwing rocks into the water...exploring NATURE!! It was a beautiful walk.

My little butterfly. :p

Peter, looking remarkably water-safety-conscious.

This runner came by -- hopping from one _____ to the other. Cool.

Careful where you throw!!

*insert loud motoring sounds here*

Such a patient observer.