Adventuring: Least Favorite Memories

Getting out of the shower to realize I had forgotten towels.

Stepping on a slug in the middle of the night.

Finally arriving at the Chaffin Family Farm to realize that they only accept guests by appointment.
{they let us come visit for a few minutes anyway, so nice

Losing Peter {momentarily} on the Trail to the Trees of Mystery. He waited by the edge of the trail when a large group of tourists walked by and "didn't talk to them at all" except to say "no" when asked if he was lost.

Driving on CA HWY299.

Waiting in the Forestry Service office for 10+ minutes to obtain a free map.

Dragging a fit-throwing three-year-old out of the $20 elevator {down to the Sea Lion Caves} -- he wanted to go to another floor.

Most Favorite Memories coming soon...and of course much more...since I'm home with my favorite and most reliable wireless provider in the world. BOB.