Missing Things

I really miss blogging.

I miss my kids being little.

I miss taking tons of photos every day.

Facebook reminded me today of how much fun we used to have in the fall. I loved that little yellow house and I loved our neighborhood. Going to Whitman Mission and Bennington Lake for outdoor adventures, playing dare base with friends in the greenspace, rollerblading and jumping in leaf piles. Goodness. I'm missing it all.

Life is so different now that my kids are in school all day and we're living in a new town. We don't have favorite haunts yet. We're not dialed in yet on automatic playmates and perfect photo spots. Moving is so hard. Growing up requires so much adjustment. Change isn't easy.

I still have oodles of boxes to unpack. Stuff I'm not even sure I want in the house. I want to live with less...with only the things we like and want and use. I want to hang the mandolin on the wall and play it everyday. I want to put the best books on the shelves and read them together. So I'm bringing things in thoughtfully. #keepinghouse #makingitpretty
We're getting our whits about us. After all, it's only been three weeks since we moved! We're managing to have fun and unpack slowly and mostly keep our sanity. I took my big camera out for a walk the other day and caught some beautiful fall colors and some solid memories. That made me feel a WHOLE lot better. And making a little collage shows me that life is pretty a-OK. #beautyallaround #funtimes
And we got the best jumping photo ever. #SCORE
Resolved: to do more things and take more photos during the week so there's material for 
a weekending post at least twice a month. #octoberresolutions #rememberingchildhood